Champions League Match Day 5: Prediction Part II Recap

November 26, 2009

United Could Have Used This Intensity... Rooney Sits In Loss

Another matchday has come and gone. I want to take this opportunity to voice my displeasure with a trend that only seems to be exacerbated by time. The resting of quality players by teams that have already qualified. Now I understand that managers want to pace their top talent as it can be a very long season for some of Europe’s top teams. But come on people. This is the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE, this is where you prove your mettle, where you show Europe, and indeed the world, that you are the best club team on the planet. Why spend all that money on acquiring the most sought after assets in the sport… to sit them in favour of players, who while talented in their own right, just don’t measure up. Perhaps I am irked by this more than usual today because the ‘tactical’ personnel selections played havoc with my predictions, but then I think, to hell with that. I look to other sports where true Ironmen suit up and head into battle 3 or 4 times weekly. Take for example top NHL teams. They play their top players (when healthy) every… single… game.

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